
What is JWTool?

JWTool is a versatile command-line utility designed for working with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). It provides developers and security professionals with a range of functionalities to manipulate, analyze, and generate JWTs efficiently.

JWTool supports various operations related to JWTs, including decoding, encoding, signing, verifying signatures, and extracting token components such as headers, payloads, and signatures. It offers a user-friendly interface and flexible options to handle JWTs effectively in diverse use cases.


JWTool offers a comprehensive set of commands for performing various tasks related to JSON Web Tokens. Some common commands include:

jwtool decode <JWT_TOKEN>
  • Decodes a JWT token and displays its header, payload, and signature.
jwtool encode <HEADER> <PAYLOAD> <SIGNATURE>
  • Encodes JWT token with specified header, payload, and signature.
jwtool sign <PRIVATE_KEY> <PAYLOAD>
  • Signs a JWT token payload using a private key.
jwtool verify <PUBLIC_KEY> <JWT_TOKEN>
  • Verifies the signature of a JWT token using a public key.

More Information

JWTool can be downloaded from its official repository or package manager. The tool is typically compatible with various operating systems and requires minimal dependencies to operate efficiently. Comprehensive documentation, including installation instructions, usage examples, and advanced features, is available to assist users in effectively leveraging JWTool for JWT-related tasks.