
What is FirebaseEnum?

FirebaseEnum is a reconnaissance tool specifically designed for identifying misconfigured Firebase databases and other resources. Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications, and FirebaseEnum helps security professionals and penetration testers identify insecure Firebase configurations that may expose sensitive data or allow unauthorized access.


FirebaseEnum can be run via its command-line interface (CLI) with various options and flags. Here are some common commands and usage examples:

  • Enumerate Firebase databases: To enumerate Firebase databases, provide the Firebase project ID and specify options such as verbosity level and output format:

    firebaseenum --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --verbose --output json
  • Output to file: Save the enumeration results to a file by specifying the output file path:

    firebaseenum --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --output-file /path/to/output.json
  • Customize HTTP request timeout: Adjust the HTTP request timeout value for better performance or to handle slower connections:

    firebaseenum --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --timeout 10
  • Advanced options: FirebaseEnum supports additional options for customization and fine-tuning. Use the --help command to see a list of available options:

    firebaseenum --help

More Information

For more information on FirebaseEnum, including installation instructions, usage examples, and community support, users can visit the official FirebaseEnum GitHub repository: (opens in a new tab)

The repository contains detailed documentation, FAQs, and examples to help users get started with FirebaseEnum. Additionally, users can join the FirebaseEnum community for discussions, feature requests, and support.