
What is Subdomainizer?

Subdomainizer is an open-source tool designed for subdomain enumeration and discovery. It assists security professionals, penetration testers, and bug bounty hunters in identifying subdomains associated with a target domain. By discovering subdomains, users can uncover potential security vulnerabilities and attack vectors within an organization's infrastructure.

Subdomainizer utilizes various techniques, including passive reconnaissance, brute-force enumeration, and search engine scraping, to gather information about subdomains associated with a target domain.

Common Use and Commands:

Subdomainizer is commonly used to perform subdomain enumeration and reconnaissance. Below are some common commands and options used in Subdomainizer:

subdomainizer -d -o output.txt
  • -d: Specify the target domain to enumerate subdomains for (e.g.,
  • -o: Specify the output file to save the results (e.g., output.txt).

Additional options and flags include:

-h, --help            ---> Display help message and exit.
-v, --version         ---> Display version information and exit.
--all, -a             ---> Perform all available subdomain enumeration techniques.
--sublist3r           ---> Use Sublist3r for subdomain enumeration.
--findomain           ---> Use Findomain for subdomain enumeration.
--crtsh               ---> Use CRT.SH for subdomain enumeration.
--hackertarget        ---> Use HackerTarget for subdomain enumeration.
--threatcrowd         ---> Use ThreatCrowd for subdomain enumeration.

These options allow users to specify different subdomain enumeration techniques and customize their subdomain discovery process.

More Information

For more details on Subdomainizer and its usage, you can refer to the official documentation and project repository:

Official repository: (opens in a new tab)

Before using Subdomainizer, ensure that you have proper authorization to conduct subdomain enumeration against the target domain and comply with legal and ethical guidelines.

This note serves as a basic overview of Subdomainizer and its common commands, providing a useful reference for those looking to enumerate subdomains efficiently during security assessments and penetration testing engagements.