What is Reset Tolkien?

Reset Tolkien is a specialized tool designed for detecting and exploiting vulnerabilities related to time-based secrets. It is particularly useful for identifying and attacking tokens that rely on timestamp-based generation methods.


Reset Tolkien offers several commands for different tasks related to detecting and attacking time-based tokens:

Detecting Token Format:

To detect if a token is time-based, use:

reset-tolkien detect 660430516ffcf -d "Wed, 27 Mar 2024 14:42:25 GMT" --prefixes "attacker@example.com" --suffixes "attacker@example.com" --timezone "-7"`

Brute Force Attack:

To perform a brute force attack to find possible tokens:

reset-tolkien bruteforce 660430516ffcf -bt 1711550546.485597 -et 1711550546.505134 -o output.txt --token-format="uniqid"

Sandwich Attack:

To export possible tokens based on a time frame using the sandwich method:

reset-tolkien sandwich 660430516ffcf -bt 1711550546.485597 -et 1711550546.505134 -o output.txt --token-format="uniqid"

Supported Encoding and Hash Functions

Reset Tolkien supports various encoding and hash functions, including:

  • base32
  • base64
  • urlencode
  • hexint
  • hexstr
  • uniqid
  • uuidv1
  • shortuuid
  • mongodb_objectid
  • datetime
  • datetimeRFC2822
  • md5
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha384
  • sha512
  • sha3_224
  • sha3_256
  • sha3_384
  • sha3_512
  • blake_256
  • blake_512

More Information

For detailed usage instructions and updates, refer to the Reset Tolkien GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).

Reset Tolkien is a specialized tool aimed at security researchers and developers to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities related to time-based token systems. Always ensure ethical use and proper authorization before testing or exploiting systems with such tools.