
What is MobSF?

MobSF, short for Mobile Security Framework, is an open-source mobile application security testing framework that helps developers, security researchers, and penetration testers assess the security of mobile applications. It supports both Android and iOS platforms and provides a wide range of features for analyzing mobile app binaries, identifying security vulnerabilities, and generating detailed reports.


MobSF can be run via its command-line interface (CLI) or through its web interface. Here are some common commands and usage examples:

  • Scan an APK file: To scan an Android APK file for security vulnerabilities, use the following command:

    mobsf -f /path/to/app.apk
  • Scan an IPA file: Similarly, to scan an iOS IPA file, use the following command:

    mobsf -f /path/to/app.ipa
  • Start the MobSF server: To start the MobSF server and access the web interface, use the following command:

    mobsf -s
  • Specify output directory: You can specify an output directory for the generated reports using the -o flag:

    mobsf -f /path/to/app.apk -o /path/to/output/directory
  • Advanced options: MobSF supports various advanced options and configurations for customization. Use the --help command to see a list of available options:

    mobsf --help

More Information

For more information on MobSF, including detailed documentation, usage examples, and community support, users can visit the official MobSF GitHub repository: (opens in a new tab)

Additionally, MobSF provides comprehensive documentation and tutorials on its GitHub repository, covering installation, usage, and advanced features. Users can also join the MobSF community for discussions, feature requests, and support.