
What is MassScan?

MassScan is an open-source tool primarily used for scanning large networks rapidly. It is designed to perform asynchronous TCP and UDP scans, making it particularly useful for scanning vast IP ranges efficiently.

MassScan is known for its speed and scalability, enabling users to scan entire Internet ranges in a relatively short amount of time. It's commonly utilized for network reconnaissance, identifying open ports, and discovering potential vulnerabilities.

Common Use and Commands:

MassScan is typically used by security professionals, researchers, and network administrators for large-scale network scanning tasks. Below are some common commands and options used in MassScan:

masscan -p1-65535 --rate 1000000
  • -p: Specify ports to scan (e.g., 1-65535 for all ports).
  • IP range: Define the IP range to scan (e.g., for the entire Class A range).
  • --rate: Set the scan rate, specifying the number of packets per second.

Additional options include:

--exclude           ---> Exclude specified IP ranges from the scan.
--adapter-ip        ---> Specify the adapter IP address.
--adapter-mac       ---> Specify the adapter MAC address.
--echo             ---> Print scan packets to stdout.
--router-mac        ---> Specify the router MAC address.
--router-ip         ---> Specify the router IP address.
--wait             ---> Set the wait time for each probe in milliseconds.

These options allow for further customization of the scan parameters, such as excluding specific IP ranges, specifying adapter details, echoing scan packets, and configuring router information.

More Information

For more details on MassScan and its usage, you can refer to the official documentation and project repository:

Official website: (opens in a new tab)

Remember to use MassScan responsibly and ethically, ensuring that you have appropriate authorization before scanning networks.

This note provides a basic overview of MassScan and its common commands, serving as a useful reference for those looking to conduct large-scale network scans efficiently.