
What is CloudEnum?

CloudEnum is an open-source reconnaissance tool designed for cloud environments, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It helps security professionals and penetration testers identify assets, misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities within cloud infrastructures. CloudEnum utilizes various enumeration techniques to gather information about cloud resources, including buckets, instances, databases, and more.


CloudEnum can be run via its command-line interface (CLI) with various options and flags. Here are some common commands and usage examples:

  • Enumerate AWS assets: To enumerate AWS assets, specify the target AWS account credentials and regions to scan using the following command:

    cloudenum aws --access-key <ACCESS_KEY> --secret-key <SECRET_KEY> --regions <REGION1,REGION2,...>
  • Enumerate Azure assets: Similarly, to enumerate Azure assets, provide the Azure subscription ID and client credentials:

    cloudenum azure --subscription-id <SUBSCRIPTION_ID> --client-id <CLIENT_ID> --client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET>
  • Enumerate GCP assets: For Google Cloud Platform (GCP), provide the GCP project ID and service account credentials:

    cloudenum gcp --project-id <PROJECT_ID> --service-account <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE.json>
  • Output options: CloudEnum provides options to specify the output format and directory for generated reports. Use the -o flag to specify the output directory and -f flag to choose the output format (JSON or CSV).

    cloudenum aws --access-key <ACCESS_KEY> --secret-key <SECRET_KEY> -o /path/to/output/directory -f json
  • Verbose mode: Enable verbose mode to display detailed logging and progress information during enumeration:

    cloudenum aws --access-key <ACCESS_KEY> --secret-key <SECRET_KEY> --verbose
  • Advanced options: CloudEnum supports additional options for customization and fine-tuning. Use the --help command to see a list of available options:

    cloudenum --help

More Information

For more information on CloudEnum, including installation instructions, usage examples, and community support, users can visit the official CloudEnum GitHub repository: (opens in a new tab)

The repository contains detailed documentation, FAQs, and examples to help users get started with CloudEnum. Additionally, users can join the CloudEnum community for discussions, feature requests, and support.