
What is GoSpider?

GoSpider is an open-source web spidering and scanning tool written in Go language. It is designed to crawl websites, gather information, and perform various web application scanning tasks, including subdomain enumeration, URL discovery, and sensitive file detection. GoSpider is useful for security professionals, web developers, and penetration testers to identify vulnerabilities and security issues within web applications.

Common Use and Commands:

GoSpider is commonly used for web application scanning and reconnaissance tasks. Below are some common commands and options used in GoSpider:

gosprider scan -s
  • scan: Initiates a scan.
  • -s: Specifies the target domain or URL to scan (e.g.,

Additional options and flags include:

-h, --help               ---> Display help message and exit.
-v, --version            ---> Display version information and exit.
-t, --threads            ---> Set the number of threads for concurrent scanning.
-d, --depth              ---> Set the maximum depth for crawling links.
-e, --extensions         ---> Specify file extensions to search for (e.g., php, asp).
-o, --output             ---> Specify the output file to save scan results.

These options allow users to customize the scanning process, including the number of threads, maximum depth for crawling, file extensions to search for, and output file format.

More Information

For more details on GoSpider and its usage, you can refer to the official documentation and project repository:

Official repository: (opens in a new tab)

Before using GoSpider, ensure that you have proper authorization to scan the target website and comply with legal and ethical guidelines. It's essential to use GoSpider responsibly and avoid causing disruptions to web applications.

This note provides a basic overview of GoSpider and its common commands, serving as a useful reference for those looking to perform web application scanning and reconnaissance tasks efficiently.